Apex Legends Update 1.1 Patch Notes: Squad Invites, More Mute Buttons

5 years ago
Respawn Entertainment’s latest update to Apex Legends, Update 1.1, is out for PC and console players.

Respawn Entertainment's latest update to Apex Legends, Update 1.1, is out for PC and console players. It caused some early problems for players, resetting some accounts, according to Respawn's Reddit post--but Respawn says those issues have been fixed.

Update 1.1 includes some interesting quality-of-life changes for Apex Legends that should make it even easier to create better, longer-lasting squads of the players you meet when firing up the game. Apex now includes an option that lets players invite the members of their last squad back into their party--perfect for those times when your team of randos from matchmaking actually turn out to be pretty good.

The option for squad invites is now on the Friends menu, which means you can opt out if you don't want any matchmade players trying to follow you back to your squad. The patch also has a few other changes worked in, including access to a Mute button on the Legend select screen, and more options on PC for reporting players for cheating or other issues. PC players will also get more information if the game crashes to help them deal with the trouble.

You can read the full patch notes below. It'll give you something to do, since Apex Legends is currently down while Respawn deals with the progression bug.

Update 1.1 Patch Notes:

Quality Of Life

Added the ability to party up with the last squad you played with. After the match you will see buttons in the lobby that display the last two people you played with and can invite them to your squad.

Additional behind-the-scenes improvements for squashing cheaters.

Added Mute button during the intro and Legend selection.

When using the Report Player button for PC, you now have the option of selecting Cheat or Other.

Added informative messages that appear on PC for crashes due to:

Running out of memory.

CPU errors best explained by overclocking/overheating.

Added better collision to the turrets on Supply Ships.

Stability fixes to all platforms.

Bug Fixes

Fixed issue where the Battle Pass rewards page would not have a default item selected, resulting in a mostly blank page.

Fixed bug for PS4 and X1 where sometimes attempting to use a keyboard to chat could cause a fatal script error.

Fixed bug with Banner Cards not showing up during and at the end of a match.

Jump Pad Phase Walk Interactions

Octane’s Jump Pad no longer affects players when using Into the Void ability.

(By Phil Hornshaw from Gamespot

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