Privacy Policy

2018-10-24 14:05:38

Prompt clause


Your trust is very important to us. We understand how important the personal information is to you. We will take appropriate security protection measures according to the requirements of laws and regulations. We will do our best to protect your personal information safe and controllable. In view of this, Hangzhou Shanzha Huyu Technology Co., Ltd  (hereinafter referred to as "We") has developed this Legal Notice and Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "This Policy/This Privacy Policy") and reminds you that:

This policy applies only to products or services on this website. If the products or services provided by this website use the products or services provided by this website (for example, directly using the account of this website), but there is no independent legal statement and privacy policy, this policy also applies to this part of the products or services.


It is important to note that this policy does not apply to other third-party services provided by you, nor does it apply to products or services that have separate legal notices and privacy policies on this website. For example, when the seller on this website provides services to you based on this website, the personal information you provide to the seller does not apply to this policy.

Before using the products or services on this website, please be sure to read and understand this policy carefully and use the relevant products or services after confirming that you fully understand and agree. By using the products or services on this website, you understand and agree to this policy. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this policy, you can contact us through various contact methods provided on this website.


Part1 Defines


This website refers to the website and the client.

Service Provider: Refers to Hangzhou Shanzha Huyu Technology Co., Ltd

Personal information: refers to various information recorded electronically or otherwise that can identify a specific natural person or reflect the activity of a particular natural person, either alone or in combination with other information.

Personal Sensitive Information: Including identity card number, personal biometric information, bank account number, property information, whereabouts, transaction information, personal information of children under 14 years old, etc.

Personal information deletion: refers to the behavior of removing personal information in the system involved in realizing daily business functions, so that it can not be retrieved and accessed.


Part2 Legal Notice


Right attribution


Unless otherwise stated on this website, all rights, including the products, technologies, software, programs, data and other information (including text, icons, pictures, photos, audio, video, graphics, color combinations, layouts, etc.) of this website (including Copyright, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other related rights are owned by the Service Provider and/or its affiliates. No part of this website may be used without the permission of the service provider and/or its affiliates to monitor, copy, distribute, display, mirror, upload, download, etc., through programs or devices such as robots or spiders. In case of any use, such as publicity, display, etc., you must obtain prior written authorization from the service provider and/or its affiliates.


Limitation of Liability


In view of the fact that the information publishing service provided on this website is of the nature of electronic bulletin board (BBS), the product information (including but not limited to product descriptions and descriptions, related pictures, videos, etc.) on this website is provided and uploaded by the user. The information provided and uploaded is subject to legal liability. If the service provider has agreed otherwise, it will be clearly defined in the relevant agreement or other legal text.


The work reproduced on this website (including the content of the forum) for the purpose of transmitting more information does not mean that we agree with its views or have confirmed the authenticity of its content.

Intellectual Property Protection

We respect intellectual property rights and oppose and combat infringement of intellectual property rights. If the intellectual property right holder believes that the content of this website (including but not limited to the product information published by the users of this website) infringes its legal rights and interests, it can make a complaint through the platform of this website, and we will respond accordingly after receiving the qualified notice of the intellectual property right holder. The laws and regulations are handled in a timely manner.


Part3 Privacy Policy


This privacy policy section will help you understand the following:

1. How do we collect and use your personal information?

2. How do we use cookies and similar technologies?

3. How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information?

4. How do we protect your personal information?

5. How do you manage your personal information?

6. How do we deal with the personal information of minors?

7. How does your personal information transfer globally?

8. How to update this privacy policy

9, how to contact us


1. How do we collect and use your information?


We collect and use your personal information for the purposes described in this policy:


(1) Helping you become our user


In order to be our user, so that we can provide services for you, you need to provide your mobile phone number, email address, and create a username and password. If you only need to use basic services such as browsing, searching, etc., you do not need to register as our user and provide the above information.

In the process of registering members, if you provide the following additional information to supplement your personal information, it will help us to provide you with more personalized membership services such as membership birthday privileges: your real name, gender, date of birth, residence The real head of your own. However, if you do not provide this information, it will affect your use of personalized membership services, but will not affect the basic browsing, search, and purchase functions of using the products or services of this website.


The above information provided by you will continue to be authorized for use during your use of the Service. When you voluntarily cancel your account, we will make it anonymous or delete your personal information as soon as possible in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


(2) Information we collect during your use of the service

In order to provide you with page display and search results that better suit your needs, understand product suitability, and identify account anomalies, we collect and correlate information about the services you use and how they are used, including:


Device Information: We will receive and record information about the device you are using (such as device model, operating system version, device settings, unique device identifier, etc.) based on the specific permissions you have granted during software installation and use. Information about the location of the device (such as IP address, GPS location, and sensor information such as Wi-Fi access points, Bluetooth, and base stations that can provide relevant information).



Log information: When you use our website or the products or services provided by the client, we will automatically collect your detailed usage of our services as a related web log. For example, your search query content, IP address, type of browser, telecom carrier, language used, date and time of access, and web page history you visit.


Please note that separate device information, log information, etc. are information that does not identify a particular natural person. If we combine such non-personal information with other information to identify a particular natural person or use it in conjunction with personal information, such non-personal information will be treated as personal information during the combined use, except for your authorization. Or as otherwise provided by laws and regulations, we will anonymize and de-identify such personal information.

In order to display the order information of your account, we will collect the order information generated during the use of our services to show you and facilitate the management of your order.

When you contact us, we may save information such as your communication/call history and content or the contact information you left in order to contact you or help you solve the problem or to document the resolution and results of the problem.


When you use the above services through our products or services, you authorize us to receive, aggregate, and analyze from our affiliates based on actual business and cooperation needs, we confirm that their source is legal or that you authorize to consent to your personal information provided to us or Trading Information.

If you refuse to provide the above information or refuse to authorize, you may not be able to use the products or services of our affiliates, or you may not be able to display relevant information, but will not affect the use of core services such as browsing, searching, and trading on this website.


(4) to provide you with security


Please note that in order to ensure the authenticity of the membership and provide you with better security, you can provide us with biometric information such as ID card, military officer's card, passport, driver's license, social security card, residence permit and other identity information, facial features, etc. Wait for personal sensitive information to complete real-name certification.

To improve the security of your services provided by us and our affiliates and partners, protect the personal and property of you or other users or the public from being compromised, and better prevent phishing websites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, cyber attacks , security risks such as network intrusion, more accurately identify violations of laws and regulations or the relevant agreement rules of this website, we may use or integrate your member information, transaction information, equipment information, related web logs and our affiliates, partners to obtain You authorize or rely on the information shared by law to comprehensively judge your account and transaction risks, conduct identity verification, detect and prevent security incidents, and take necessary records, audits, analysis, and disposal measures in accordance with the law.


(5) Other uses

When we use the information for other purposes not covered by this policy, or if the information collected for a specific purpose is used for other purposes, you will be asked for your prior consent.


(6) Exceptions for obtaining authorization

According to relevant laws and regulations, collecting your personal information in the following situations does not require your authorized consent:

1. Relevant to national security and national defense security;

2. Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

3. Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

4. It is difficult to obtain your own consent to protect the life and property of the personal information subject or other individuals;

5. The personal information collected is disclosed to the public by yourself;

6. Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports and government information disclosure channels;

7. Required to sign a contract according to your requirements;

8. It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as the failure to discover or dispose of products or services;

9. Required for legal news reporting;

10. When an academic research institution conducts statistical or academic research based on public interest and provides academic research or description results, the personal information contained in the results is de-identified;

11. Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

If we stop operating the products or services on this website, we will stop the activities of collecting your personal information in a timely manner, and notify you of the notice of suspension of operation, one by one, or the announcement, to delete or anonymize the personal information held. deal with.


Second, how do we use cookies and similar technologies?

(a) Cookies

To keep your site up and running, to give you an easier access experience, and to recommend content that might be of interest to you, we store a small data file called a cookie on your computer or mobile device. Cookies usually contain an identifier, a site name, and some numbers and characters. With cookies, websites can store data such as your preferences or items in your shopping basket.

We do not use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this policy. You can manage or delete cookies based on your preferences. For more information, see You can clear all cookies saved on your computer, and most web browsers have the ability to block cookies. But if you do, you will need to change the user settings each time you visit our website. For more information on how to change your browser settings, please visit the relevant settings page of the browser you are using.

(2) Website beacons and pixel tags

In addition to cookies, we use other technologies like web beacons and pixel tags on our website. For example, the email we send to you may contain an address link to the content of our website. If you click on the link, we will track the click to help us understand your product or service preferences so that we can proactively improve customer service. Experience. A web beacon is usually a transparent image that is embedded in a website or email. With the pixel tags in the email, we can tell if the email is open. If you don't want your event to be tracked this way, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time.

(3) Do Not Track (Do not track)

Many web browsers have a Do Not Track feature that publishes Do Not Track requests to websites. Currently, major Internet standards organizations have not yet established policies to dictate how websites should respond to such requests. But if your browser has Do Not Track enabled, all of our sites will respect your choice.

3. How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information?

(1) Sharing

We do not share your personal information with companies, organizations and individuals other than service providers, with the following exceptions:

1. Share with explicit consent: We will share your personal information with others after obtaining your explicit consent.

2. Sharing under statutory circumstances: We may share your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations, litigation dispute resolution needs, or in accordance with the requirements of the administrative and judicial authorities.

3. Sharing with affiliates: In order for us to provide services to you based on linked accounts, we recommend information that may be of interest to you or protect the personal and property safety of Shanzha Huyu affiliates or other users or the public, your personal Information may be shared with our affiliates. We will only share the necessary personal information (for example, to facilitate the use of our affiliated company products or services, we will share your necessary account information with affiliates), if we share your personal sensitive information or affiliate changes For the purpose of using and processing personal information, you will be asked for your authorization again.

(2) Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual except in the following cases:

1. Transfer with explicit consent: After obtaining your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties;

2. In the event of a merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation of the service provider, or other circumstances involving mergers, acquisitions or bankruptcy liquidation, if a personal information transfer is involved, we will require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to receive This policy is bound, otherwise we will ask the company, the organization to re-seek your consent.

(3) Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

1. We may disclose your personal information publicly, with your explicit consent or based on your active choice;

2. If we determine that you have violated laws and regulations or seriously violated the relevant agreement rules of this website, or to protect the personal and property safety of users of Shanzha Huyu and its affiliates or the public, we may rely on laws and regulations or related agreements. The rules disclose your personal information, including related violations, and the actions that have been taken against you by this website with your consent.


(4) Exceptions for prior authorization of consent, sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of personal information

In the following cases, sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information does not require prior authorization from you:

1. Relevant to national security and national defense security;

2. Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

3. Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;

4. It is difficult to obtain the consent of the person for the protection of the life and property of you or other individuals;

5. Personal information that you disclose to the public on your own;

6. Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports and government information disclosure.

According to the law, the sharing, transfer of personal information that has been de-identified, and ensuring that the data recipient cannot recover and re-identify the subject of personal information, does not belong to the external sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information, such data Save and process will not require additional notice and your consent.


Part4, how do we protect your personal information security

(1) We have taken reasonable and feasible safety protection measures in accordance with industry standards to protect the personal information provided by you and prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of personal information. We will take all reasonable and practicable steps to protect your personal information. For example, when you exchange data (such as credit card information) between your browser and the server, you are protected by SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. We also provide HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer) protocol for secure browsing. We use encryption to improve the security of our personal information; we use trusted protection mechanisms to protect our personal information from malicious attacks; we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to personal information; and we will Conduct safety and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

(2) We will take reasonable and feasible measures and try our best to avoid collecting irrelevant personal information. We will only retain your personal information for the period of time required to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, unless the retention period is extended or permitted by law.

(3) The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment. We strongly recommend that you do not use personal communication methods other than those recommended by this website. You can connect and share with each other through our services. When you create communications, transactions, or sharing through our services, you can choose who you want to communicate, trade, or share, as a third party who can see your trading content, contact information, exchange information, or share content.

When using this website service for online transactions, you will inevitably disclose your personal information, such as contact information or contact address, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Please protect your personal information and provide it to others only when necessary. If you find that your personal information, especially your account or password, has been leaked, please contact customer service immediately so that we can take action according to your application.

Please use complex passwords to help us keep your account secure. We will do our best to protect the security of any information you send us. If our physical, technical or administrative protection facilities are destroyed, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, alteration or destruction of information, resulting in damage to your legal rights, we will bear the corresponding legal responsibility.

(5) We will update and disclose the security risks, personal information security impact assessment reports, etc. from time to time, which you can obtain through the announcement on this website.

(6) After the unfortunate incident of personal information security, we will inform you according to the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, you can prevent and reduce the risk autonomously. Advice, remedies for you, etc. Event-related situations We will inform you by email, letter, telephone, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the personal information subject one by one, we will issue a notice in a reasonable and effective manner.

At the same time, we will report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.



Part 5 How do you manage your personal information?

You can access and manage your personal information in the following ways:

(1) Access to your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information, except as provided by laws and regulations. You can access your personal information yourself in the following ways:

Account Information - If you wish to access or edit personal basic information and payment information, change your password, add security information or close your account in your account, you can do this through "Account Management" by logging in to your account. Class operation.

Order Information: You can check your order records, transaction records, etc. on this website.

If you are unable to access such personal information through the above path, you can contact us at any time through Customer Service. We will respond to your request within 30 days.

For other personal information that may arise during the use of our products or services, we will provide you with the relevant arrangements in (7) Responding to Your Requests above.

(2) Correct or supplement your personal information

When you find that we have handled an error about your personal information, you have the right to ask us to make corrections or additions. You can make corrections or supplement your application in the manner set out in "(1) Access to your personal information."

(3) Delete your personal information

You may delete some of your personal information by the means listed in (1) Accessing Your Personal Information.

In the following situations, you can ask us to delete your personal information:

1. If we deal with personal information in violation of laws and regulations;

2. If we collect and use your personal information, we do not obtain your explicit consent;

3. If we deal with personal information, it is a serious violation of your agreement;

4. If you no longer use our products or services, or you have voluntarily canceled your account number;

5. If we are no longer providing products or services for you permanently.

If we decide to respond to your request for removal, we will also notify the entity that obtained your personal information from us at the same time and request that it be deleted in a timely manner, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations, or if these entities obtain your independent authorization.

When you delete information from our services, we may not immediately remove the information from the backup system, but will delete it when the backup is updated.

(4) Change the scope of your authorization

Each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed (see "Part 3, Section 3" of this Privacy Policy). When you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the personal information processing that was previously performed based on your authorization.

(5) Personal information subject cancellation account

You can submit your account cancellation request on the “Logout Account” page.

After you voluntarily cancel your account, we will stop providing you with products or services, and delete or personalize your personal information according to your request, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.

(6) Automatic decision making of constraint information systems

In some business functions, we may make decisions based solely on non-manual automatic decision making mechanisms such as information systems and algorithms. If these decisions significantly affect your legal rights, you have the right to ask us to explain, we will also provide appropriate remedies without infringing the trade secrets or other user rights and social public interests of this website.

(7) Responding to your above request

To be safe, you may need to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request.

In principle, we do not charge a fee for your reasonable request, but we will charge a certain fee for the repeated requests that exceed the reasonable limit. We may reject requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require excessive technical means (for example, need to develop new systems or fundamentally change existing practices), pose risks to the legal rights of others, or are very unrealistic.

In the following situations, we will not be able to respond to your request as required by law or regulation:

1. Directly related to national security and national defense security;

2. Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

3. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

4. There is sufficient evidence to show that the subject of personal information has subjective malice or abuse of rights;

5. Responding to your request will result in serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;

6. Involving trade secrets.


Part 6 How do we deal with the personal information of minors?

Our products, websites and services are primarily for adults. Minors may not create their own user accounts without the consent of their parents or guardians. If you are a minor, we encourage you to ask your parent or guardian to read this Privacy Policy carefully and use our services or provide us with the information, with the consent of your parent or guardian.

In the case of the collection of personal information of a minor by consent of the parent or guardian to use our products or services, we will only use, share, transfer, if the law permits, the parent or guardian expressly agrees or protects the minor. Or disclose this information.


Part 7 How your personal information is transferred globally

Personal information collected and generated by us during our operations in the People's Republic of China is stored in China, except in the following cases:

1. Laws and regulations have clear provisions;

2. Obtain your explicit authorization;

3. You conduct personal initiative such as cross-border transactions through the Internet.

In the light of the above, we will ensure that your personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Part 8 How to update this privacy policy

Our privacy policy may change.

We will not limit your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent. We will post any changes to our privacy policy on our dedicated page.

For major changes, we will also provide more noticeable notices.

Significant changes referred to in this policy include but are not limited to:

1. Our service model has undergone major changes. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, the way in which personal information is used, etc.;

2. We have undergone major changes in terms of control and so on. Owner changes such as mergers and acquisitions, etc.;

3. The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure have changed;

4. Significant changes in your rights to participate in the processing of personal information and how it is exercised;

5. When we are responsible for handling changes in the personal information security department, contact methods and complaint channels;

6. The personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.


Part 9 How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this Privacy Policy, you can contact us through our online customer service. In general, we will respond within thirty days.

If you are dissatisfied with our response, especially if you believe that our personal information processing actions have harmed your legal rights, you can also seek a solution by filing a lawsuit in the court of competent jurisdiction of the defendant's domicile.



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