Play game , Get rewards ! Only on ZBT!

4 years ago
Make your game time into money & game skins ! Now login and bind you Steam account(Dota2) , You can start to make you game time into points to exchange in game skins! Dota2 is running right now , CSGO and games so on will be coming soon !

Event entrance

What's ZBT ?

Plenty of time without paying money in the game ?

Be envious of those awesome skins and Arcana?

I refuse to be jealousy !

Imagine your games bring more rewards than entertainment after you spend time, effort and money, how will it be.

You’ll be rewarded for your game duration, wins, and top-ups. Participation in community sign-in, transactions, community discussions, etc. can also be rewarded.

Play games , Get rewards!

Now we gonna launched this program from today , Arcana from Dota2 can be exchanged with you play time ! (Including other skins)

And other game's skin exchange like CSGO will be coming soon !

Exchangeable arcana list :

Now Bind you own Steam (Dota2) Account in the profile setting , play games to get your free rewards ! (Link to profile setting page)

Other game's skin exchange program will be COMING SOON !

Newbie Quests


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ZBT can be used in community activities