Exchange [Tips and Tricks]

4 years ago
View:40828 Reply:21

Hello Dear ZBT users.

Maybe many of you, players don’t even know how to use the Exchange tab in order to get their needed T coins.

Here is the instruction

How to buy TCOIN with ZBT or vice-versa:

1. Click on the Exchange. you can access this button wherever you are on the website.

Note: The ’NEW’ sticker on the Exchange means that there are new offers for sale or buy.

2. The following screen will show up. here are some notes about the details on this page.

* Buy | Sell: buying means you want to buy ZBT with TCOIN ( you will pay TCOIN to earn ZBT) and Sell means you want to buy TCOIN with ZBT ( you will pay ZBT and earn TCOIN).

*Reference Price: the following reference price is 0.0016 T coins per ZBT. It means 1 ZBT worth 0.0016 T coins.

*Place order: Exchange is like a market to exchange currency, like the ordinary stock market. People place order to Buy/Sell their currency and the buyers/sellers decide which one to chose. and you can place an order to sell/buy.

*Available: The amount of currency the buyer/seller has.

*Limits: The limit amount of ZBT in one deal.

*Unit price: The exchange price that seller/buyer offers to the customers.

*Purchase: by pressing this button the following page will show up. On this page, you can write down the amount of the currency you want to change.

Why the exchange price is so low?

It is like the stock market, it’s all about supply and demand. whenever the demand for exchange for one currency is high and the supply is low the price of it will be high. (in this case, the demand for T coins is higher than ZBT so people who sell T coins are interested in a higher amount of ZBT per T coins)

The key is to always check the page for better deals. and also wait. with more changes to and also with more time ZBT will be more valuable.

What should we do when there are no Sell offers? How can we get T coins?

There are multiple options. One way is to wait in the line so maybe someone sells his/her T coins to you. To do so you need to place a buy order for the amount of T coins you want the other way is to wait for someone to came and place a sales order so you could go and buy some T coins.

Why ZBT is so worthless these days?

Actually the main problem of ZBT is that there is no other use for it right now however there some useful thoughts.

Let’s say if you could use ZBT to Bet on online CSGO or DotA 2 Pro tournaments matches only with ZBT maybe many people would want to change their T coins to ZBT and use it on bets. also, ZBT BET shouldn’t be just like other platforms it should provide the Betters a safe place, maybe percent cash back when you lose a bet. let’s say a 5% safe area (for example you bet 1000 and you lose then you will get back 50, literally no other sites have done this.)

The other idea is to add a platform in which you could challenge other players with ZBT. maybe a platform where you could bet that you can have more win strike that your opponent and whoever wins the bet take the all. also under the same platform, you could have weekly tournaments, personal tournaments for other websites or other companies which can be a huge advertisement for them. I know it maybe it is an unreachable hope but these hopes build the future.

The only way which ZBT would worth more is that ZBT could be changed and traded in the user’s hands for multiple reasons. as long as everyone here wants to just earn it then sell it and extract Virtual items, this will be the situation.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards.


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