Auto Vs Manual Delivery!

4 years ago
View:11540 Reply:20

Hello everyone.

I am observing an enormous amount of posts that are related to 'not delivered items through a manual delivery system', so I thought maybe it’s good to tell you some tips about buying.


You can but any item with 100% of Delivery success. you press the Purchase and you will get your Item Immediately.

Tip 1: make sure to buy auto-delivery items. It’s safe and fast.


first, let’s take a look at a manual-delivery order in the market.

1. This part will show you either the user is online right now or offline (Green when the user is online and gray when offline.),

2. This number shows if you can trust this user manual delivery.

3. During this delivery time (In this case 1 minute) the user can deliver your items if not the order will be cancel.

Tip 2: If you want to buy an Item with manual-delivery make sure to buy from an online person ( with green circle check number 1)

Tip 3: If you clicked on purchase make sure to send a notification in order to avoid the cancelation of your order.

When you buy from an offline user, you will naturally experience a canceled order, so check if the user is online and also send the user a reminder in order to notify the user.

If you have any Tips feel free to share them with us in the comments below.

Wish you all luck and health.


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